XIV Launcher

Custom launcher for FFXIV


The initial FFXIV launcher exhibits sluggish performance and lacks the ability to save passwords. This initiative strives to address these issues and introduce quality-of-life enhancements to the game, including:

  1. Auto-login functionality
  2. Swift patching process
  3. Integration with Discord Rich Presence
  4. Rapid in-game market board price checks
  5. Chat filtering capabilities
  6. Chat bridge connecting to Discord
  7. Discord notifications for duties, retainer sales, and more.
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How to install the launcher

Retrieve the most recent “Setup.exe” from the releases page and execute it. This action initiates the installation of XIVLauncher, which will be seamlessly integrated into your start menu. Uninstallation can be accomplished through the Windows Programs & Apps menu or by right-clicking on XIVLauncher in your start menu.

⚠ Caution! In case you encounter installation errors or if the launcher malfunctions, ensure you inspect your antivirus settings first and temporarily disable it for XIVLauncher. Many commercial antivirus programs might mistakenly flag XIVLauncher as a false positive. To verify this, you can independently assess the file on VirusTotal. If you require assistance, please refer to our FAQ or join our Discord channel.

On Steam Deck and Desktop Linux

The XIVLauncher has introduced a native Linux version, compatible with both Steam Deck and Desktop Linux. No more dealing with scripts and command lines – now, it only takes a few simple steps to install the game and integrate it into Steam. Plus, it comes with a wine version optimized specifically for XIV.

How to install plugins

XIVLauncher facilitates the incorporation of in-game plugins/addons created by third-party developers. To access these features in-game, press the escape key to open the system menu, and then choose “Dalamud Plugins.” Alternatively, you can utilize the /xlplugins command in the chat. If the command isn’t recognized or the options don’t appear, ensure that the in-game addon is enabled in the launcher settings.

Is XIVLauncher safe to use?

We have invested significant effort in ensuring the safety of XIVLauncher for all users. If you’re interested in learning more about this, please take a moment to review our FAQ entry on the subject.

Plugin API

XIVLauncher provides the opportunity to enhance your gaming experience through various community-created plugins. You can explore a comprehensive list of these plugins on the official site. If you’re interested in developing your own in-game plugins for XIVLauncher, refer to the API documentation and the sample plugin.

For those looking to contribute to the plugin API itself, you can find more information here. A special acknowledgment goes to Mino for his contribution to the hooking base.

Concerns may arise regarding the legitimacy of using these plugins. However, the official guidelines for plugins on this launcher aim to ensure fair play:

  1. Ensure that your plugin does not directly interact with the game servers in a way that goes beyond specifications. This means avoiding actions that would be impossible through normal means or for a regular player on PC or PS4.

  2. Avoid automatic actions, such as polling data or making requests without direct user interaction. This helps prevent unwanted server load or detection of XIVLauncher usage.

  3. Do not circumvent paywalls, meaning refrain from attempting to bypass purchase-related restrictions, like enabling access to Mog Station emotes.

These guidelines are designed to grant developers the freedom to enhance the game’s functionality in ways that Square Enix might not cover, while maintaining fairness and disallowing plugins that could provide unfair advantages to players on different platforms.


Elevate Your Gaming Experience with Community-Created Plugins

Explore the vast possibilities of XIVLauncher, a platform that empowers players to enhance their gaming adventures through a myriad of community-created plugins. From improving functionality to unleashing creativity, XIVLauncher opens new avenues for customization. Dive into a world where your gaming experience is shaped by the community, with the freedom to explore and contribute to a thriving ecosystem of plugins. Elevate your gameplay, discover innovative features, and embrace a dynamic realm of possibilities with XIVLauncher.

Learn about new features from frequently asked question

XIVLauncher is a third-party tool designed to enhance your gaming experience in Final Fantasy XIV by allowing the use of community-created plugins.

You can download and access XIVLauncher from its official website. Installation instructions are provided to guide you through the process.

XIVLauncher supports various community-created plugins that aim to improve different aspects of the game. You can find a comprehensive list on the official site.

Yes, you have the ability to develop your own in-game plugins. The API documentation and a sample plugin are available to help you get started.

No, as long as you adhere to the official guidelines. Plugins should not provide unfair advantages, interact with game servers inappropriately, or circumvent paywalls.

If you wish to contribute to the plugin API, detailed information can be found on the XIVLauncher website. Explore the provided resources to understand the process.

Mino is acknowledged for his contribution to XIVLauncher’s development, particularly for his hooking base.

While XIVLauncher encourages plugin development, it’s crucial to follow the guidelines, ensuring that plugins align with fair play and do not compromise the integrity of the game.

XIVLauncher is compatible with various platforms, including PC and PS4. However, it’s essential to use plugins that maintain fairness, especially across different gaming platforms.

The development team regularly updates XIVLauncher to ensure compatibility with the latest game versions and to introduce new features. It’s advisable to check for updates on the official website.